Magnolia Market: An Honest Review

Magnolia Market: Haul or Hype? People always ask if they should make the drive to Waco to the decor mecca called Magnolia Market. Who could resist the stomping grounds of HGTV sweethearts Chip and Joanna? Another question I am asked is which items in my home were purchased at the Silos? Did I bring home quite the haul? As I answer these questions, Fixer Upper Fans please don't stone me.

My first answer is...Not necessarily. Please don't get me wrong. Chip and Joanna have done a fantastic job master-planning the shops and venue. It is just stunning. However, no matter how brilliantly designed the lay-out, tasty the baked goods or superb the shiplap, when people are crowding the space you just can't appreciate it. There may be a few windows of time in which you can actually browse the shop comfortably but the entire area is absolutely wall to wall people the majority of the hours of the day. In addition, the lines to get into the shop and bakery are reminiscent of a theme park. (Not to mention the lines to use the restroom or for food).

Also as far as going to Magnolia Market to shop or even to get home decorating ideas, I honestly don't recommend it either. First of all, because of the crowds it is very difficult to get a good view of the merchandise or to snap pictures to remember the ingenious ways Joanna puts things together.

In response to the other commonly asked question, "Which items in your home were found at Magnolia"? My answer is shockingly..."None of them".

I simply cannot afford the price tag of the items at Magnolia. In addition, I much prefer emulating Joanna's early method of acquiring items for the homes she designed. Remember? She actually went to antique and junk shops and found unique and authentic decor. I have found some really neat things at antique and thrift shops in my area for pennies! Many of them you would mistakingly think I stole off Fixer Upper. The herb pots and metal rack above and the chicken wire bucket below were both found on clearance at Target (do you check the end caps? Lots of treasures hide out on those racks too).

This old milk jug, wooden candlesticks and deer hide were tucked away in family members' storage areas. Don't forget to take an inventory of what you ALREADY have that fits the Fixer Upper bill. Using those treasured items will prove to be so much more valueable than anything store bought.
In conclusion, I must leave you with a disclaimer.
DISCLAIMER: Lest you think I am a Fixer Upper hater, I do have some positive recommendations for Chip and Joanna fans.
First of all, DVR their shows. Enjoy all the delicious farmhouse eye candy in the peace and quiet of your living room. It's so much better than rubbing sweaty elbows with crazed fans standing in the Texas heat waiting in lines.
If you do choose to visit the Silos, click here for some helpful tips.