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Sharing. It's something we teach our littles but is it something we consistently practice as adults? It's easy to tell a toddler that he needs to share his toy truck with his playmate but how easily do we loan out our car or home to a friend in need?

Our family has been blessed countless times by those who have shared their homes, things, and lives with us. Most recently we stayed a few days at our friends' home in the beautiful Texas hill country. (Photos in this post were taken on this lovely respite.) There were no strings attached, no jobs to fulfill, no house-sitting duties. We were simply told to 'enjoy' and we were extended an open invitation to come back any time.

We read in Acts 2 that the believers were often together and had all things in common and shared their possessions regularly. We are also told in Romans 12:14 to contribute to the needs of one another and to practice hospitality. Hebrews 13:2 reads, "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." Luke 6:30 provides a radical charge saying, "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back."

We have an understood commitment in our family to giving and sharing generously with others. Everything we have is not our own, it has been given on loan to us by God. We desire our home, time, life and resources to bring glory to Him by refreshing and helping others. At times it is difficult to trust other people with our things. What if they get damaged, what if they forget to return them, what if we are taken advantage of? Or, if we give financially to someone, will we have enough for our needs and desires? Unfortunately, I have no guarantees regarding these worries but what I do know is that God always blesses us for trusting him with our things--after all, they are His anyway. And he always blesses us in return as He says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)

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